Are Your Ready to Face the Future with A Smile?

Welcome to Chafford 100 Dental Care where Dr Jagmail Basrai provides cosmetic dentistry and smile makeovers for his Essex dental patients.

Heal Ozone FAQ

In Essex and London, UK

Is the HealOzone treatment uncomfortable or painful?
The HealOzone treatments are completely pain-free.

What are the phases of treatment for HealOzone?
First Dr. Basrai will reach a diagnosis by determining that decay is present.  The second phase, called the treatment phase, involves applying ozone to the affected area.  The third phase is called the healing phase, and the final phase is referred to as the repair phase.

How does HealOzone prevent future damage by decay?
During the treatment phase of Heal Ozone, Dr. Basrai applies the ozone to completely kill any living bacteria in the site.  No more bacteria means no more bacterial acids.  For you that means no risk of further damage to teeth.

What happens during the healing phase of HealOzone?
During the healing phase, Dr. Basrai will be re-mineralising your tooth with calcium and special toothpastes in order to build tooth strength and integrity following treatment. You will be asked to avoid soda and other sugary substances that might inhibit healing.

What happens during the repair phase of HealOzone?
Once your damaged tooth is healed with the ozone treatment, it is time for repairing.  In the repair phase of HealOzone, Dr. Basrai will be placing your permanent restoration to create a natural appearance and functional fit. For most patients, a simple porcelain filling works perfectly.

Find a skilled Heal Ozone dentist at London’s trusted dental facility, Chafford 100 Dental Care.  Call or email Dr. Basrai today for your personal smile makeover appointment.

Chafford 100 Dental Care | Where Beautiful Smiles are Born
01375 48 1000 | Email Us
Jagmail Basrai LDS RCS [ENG] | Chafford 100 Dental Care
Drake Road, Grays | Essex RM16 6SE

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