Are Your Ready to Face the Future with A Smile?

Welcome to Chafford 100 Dental Care where Dr Jagmail Basrai provides cosmetic dentistry and smile makeovers for his Essex dental patients.

Porcelain Filling FAQ

In Essex and London, UK

Why are porcelain fillings more desirable than ordinary white composite or metal fillings?
Porcelain fillings look more like natural teeth because the porcelain material carries the quality of translucency, referring to the way it passes light through the structure.  Porcelain, when bonded, offers patients a high level of strength and durability that other materials do not.  Also, many choose to replace old metal fillings not only because they look better, but also because they offer greater protection against decay and are less susceptible to wearing or cracking. 

How are porcelain fillings created?
Very gently.  Dr. Basrai will fit you for your filling by preparing the enamel and measuring the area.  He will also match the porcelain as closely as possible to your natural tooth color.  Then, the porcelain is hardened in a special mold and baked at high temperatures for setting.  Once it is ready, your new filling is bonded into place. 

Do porcelain fillings have any disadvantages?
Before being carefully bonded to prepared enamel, the porcelain material being shaped is highly brittle.  It is extremely important for the look and integrity of the porcelain filling that the dentist placing the filling be experienced and skilled, having placed many porcelain fillings in the past.  Porcelain fillings will also require multiple dental visits to achieve.

Click Here to watch a short informational video on Fillings

Call or email Chafford 100 Dental Care today to schedule your smile makeover appointment with our experienced UK porcelain filling dentist.

Chafford 100 Dental Care | Where Beautiful Smiles are Born
01375 48 1000 | Email Us
Jagmail Basrai LDS RCS [ENG] | Chafford 100 Dental Care
Drake Road, Grays | Essex RM16 6SE

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